
What is Piracy and it's types ?

Software piracy is the illegal copying, distribution, or use of software. It is such a profitable "business" that it has caught the attention of organized crime groups in a number of countries. According to the Business Software Alliance (BSA), about 36% of all software in current use is stolen. Software piracy causes significant lost revenue for publishers, which in turn results in higher prices for the consumer. When you purchase a commercial software package, an end user license agreement ( EULA ) is included to protect that software program from copyright infringement. Typically, the license states that you can install the original copy of software you bought on one computer and that you can make a backup copy in case the original is lost or damaged. You agree to the licensing agreement when you open the software package (this is called a shrink wrap license), when you open the envelope that contains the software disks, or when you install the software. Software piracy a...

What is Internet and How it works ?

What is the internet? The internet is a global collection of networks, both big and small; these networks together form the single entity that we know as the Internet. Working at sub-second speeds the internet enables computers to send one another small packets of digital data in a language called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). How the internet works? When you enter your request into your computer’s browser the internet it will go through a 6 step process in order to return the correct results. The process of how the internet deals with your request all starts with you. The user at their PC/Mac enters a human readable website URL for instance into a browser. The browser is the program used for accessing websites, common examples are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari. All browsers play an important role in the workings of the internet because every single webpage runs through it. If you would like to know more about web browsers ...

How ethernet Works ?

Not so long ago, computers were all made by different companies, worked in different ways, and couldn't communicate with one another. Often, they didn't even have the same sorts of plugs and sockets on their cases! During the 1980s and 1990s, everything became much more standardized and it's now possible to connect virtually any machine to any other and get them exchanging data without too much effort. That's largely because most networks now use the same system, called Ethernet. It was developed in May 1973 by US computer engineer Dr Robert ("Bob") Metcalfe (1946–), who went on to found 3Com and later became a well-known computer-industry pundit (perhaps, somewhat unfairly, best known for predicting a spectacular collapse of the Internet in 1995 that never actually occurred). As Metcalfe originally designed it, Ethernet was based on three very simple ideas. First, computers would connect through the "ether" (a semi-serious, semi-scientific name f...

What is a Browser ? How it works ?

What is a Browser Like much of the Internet, the World Wide Web operates on a client/server model. You run a web client on your computer—called a web browser—such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or Firefox. That client contacts a web server and requests information or resources. The web server locates and then sends the information to the web browser, which displays the results. When web browsers contact servers, they’re asking to be sent pages built with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Browsers interpret those pages and display them on your computer. They also can display applications, programs, animations, and similar material created with programming languages such as Java and ActiveX, scripting languages such as JavaScript, and techniques such as AJAX. Sometimes, home pages contain links to files the web browser can’t play or display, such as sound or animation files. In that case, you need a plug-in or a helper application. You configure your web browser or operating system...

What is a Computer ? How it works?

A computer is a machine (hardware) that receives and processes data according to the instructions given to it, and after the data has been processed, the results of the processing are usually sent to an output device. How a Computer Works The input devices for feeding the computer with data and instructions can be a keyboard, mouse, scanner, or may be generated internally from ‘applications’ stored as programmed instructions (software). The processing of the data is done by the central processing unit (CPU), which is the heart of the computer. The output devices can be a screen (monitor), printer, plotter, speakers, ports, or another computer. CPU A CPU is on a chip called a microprocessor (about 1 inch square in size). This is basically your Intel pentium chip. Often referred to as the brains of a computer, the CPU handles most of the operations that are required of the computer by processing instructions and sending signals out, checking for connectivity, and ensuring that...